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Laugh attacks

Ok so today was pretty awesomeley wowley amazingly awesome because I laughed so much and got to see a lot of new things and realized that making a blog dealing with something I liked would be really intriguing (came to this conclusion after the “separate groups speakers”.)
So this morning (which started very early yet again) began with the speaker Chuck Todd, the NBC Chief White House Correspondent, who talked about three different elements of journalism: recording facts, analysing, and commentary. He described how it was better to be there “on the ground” than getting second-hand news. It was really cool to hear about his trips with Obama and how he had hung out with him at an Allstars game the night before. Then the absolutely amazing Dean Flagel who I just happen to respect and admire so much came on to talk about admissions in to college and how to prepare for it. He was sooo funny and totally pumped me up even though I was tired. I thought he was amazing and it was very informative to hear about what an actual Dean of Admission had to say about getting in to colleges. I found it extremely useful and I’m so glad that I got to hear what he had to say because he brought very vital infortmation and made it humorous.  Then we went to the mall which was nice and I got a few souvenirs, but I wanted to get the Entertainment magazine but we had to leave so I was kind of sad. :[
Ok so then we went to the Capitol which I have to say is gorgeous but it was very hot outside and after a while my feet started to hurt, but it was sooooo nice inside!! When we got our tour it was very interesting to listen to what our tour guide had to say about the building and I took a million pictures of like the same thing because I was so excited to actually be there. Taking a picture of the beautiful building was great and I got to be in them so of course that was great.
So from the bus ride home till about now (12 a.m.) I have been laughing at about everything and I love everyone about 20 times more. I love my little “pentagon” and our camera takers are good too. :] So after dinner (which had me laughing to tears) we went off into our separate group speakers. We went to the e-journalism guy who I thought was soo interesting because it really made me want to make a blog writing about entertainment or history. He was very informative and he was succesful with his blog so it was somewhat inspiring. Then I hung out with this one group of amazing people and we played pool and sat outside with laptops. And then I went to another group and talked to them and then I went to another group and we listened to music so that was pretty fun. I’m super tired but today was amazing and I loved it. Sweet. :]

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A little late…

So today I woke up at 5 a.m., earlier than before, but it will probably be the norm now that our days are packed with a heavy schedule. I only say it’s a good day for a power nap because we have had so much to do and keeping your full attention on something for any period of time can be hard. :] The speaker this morning, Wesley Pippert, talked to us about the truth in journalism and getting to the core beneath the facts. He talked a lot about his trips to Israel and dealing with exaggeration in the press. After that there was a little time for shopping, but the excitment for the Newseum barely left me time to get coffee.
The Newseum was one of the best museums I have ever been to in my life. I found it amazingly interesting because history is such an interest of mine and to be able to go through as much as I could that related to U.S. History from B.C. to now was great. My group especially enjoyed the 9/11 area where we were left holding in tears during watching a video of a girl hoping her dad would come home. The museum had so many interesting things, such as documents, literature, TV clips, newspaper pages, ancient objects, and even some of the Berlin Wall. I think I found the books that were kept from anywhere dating back to B.C. to the 1800’s to be one of the most interesting things I saw because I didn’t know most of the things we talked about in class were actually right before my eyes. The Berlin Wall was also intriguing because I had seen small pieces of it, but never huge parts. Also going up to the top floor and taking all the beautiful pictures of the capitol was very nice. I’m mad, though, that I never to go into the souvenir shop, but that will give me more reason to come back next time. :] The theatre where we learned about journalism and war was cool because we had learned a lot about it in school but never got to really think about how the journalists had to deal with the situations.
Overall the day has been amazing and deff fun and I’m very, very, very excited to go to the Smithsonian Museum and to the capitol. :]

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I woke up too early

I’m Victoria Moreaux, better known as Tori, from Cypress Springs Highschool in Katy, Texas, about 25 minutes away from Houston. I’m 17 years old and I have a personal love for history, writing, media, and music. My first “by-myself” traveling experience, like this one, was to the UK  (Wales, England, and Scotland) and Ireland the summer before my seventh grade year. Not only do I love traveling, but I love playing the piano and writing about different events and personal experiences I enjoy talking about. I manage my highschool drill/dance team and I am currently enrolled in various AP classes and creative electives.

My love for journalism started with my English III teacher, Mrs. Hawkins, who taught me that to be a good writer, it has to come from within. I also was inspired by my US History teacher who would show us articles written by journalists who recorded what was going on during the chaos of the different presidencies, the wars, and the changing times. I would love to do either broadcast journaling, photojournalism, or write for an entertainment or news magazine. So yeah….I’m going to bed. :]

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